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Boozin jiimaaning. Get in the boat.
Gaanjiwebahan. Shove her off.
Giinawaa niizhiyeg naaniizh azheboyaanan odaapinamoK, niin dash ninga-odaake. Two of you take two oars each, and I will steer.
Gagetin azheboyeg. Pull hard now.
Biijibide ishkode-naabikwaan. There’s a steamboat coming.
Asab imaa agwinjin. There is a net laid there.
Minwaanimad. The wind is fair.
Ombaakobijigen†. Put up the sail.
Biindoonagatoog gidazheboyaaniwaan Take in your oars.
Wiikobidoon iw asabaab. Draw in that rope.
Bagidinan; wewiib. Let it go; quick.
Iwidi neyaashing inikwehan. Steer for that point.
Niisinan iw ningaasamoon. Take the sail down.
Azheboyeg miinawaa. Use your oars again.
Giniisaaboonomin. We are going downstream.
Madwejiwan baawitig. I hear rapids.
Giga-niishiboonomin† ina? Shall we shoot the rapids?
Gaa, daa-naaniisaanad naabikwaanensing, nindawaaj wiigwaas-jiimaan giga-ayoomin. No it would not be safe in a boat, we must get a canoe.
Giga-adaawangemin sa oho wiigwaas-jiimaan. We will borrow this bark canoe.
Niizhinoon iniw abwiin. There are two paddles.
Iwedi minising giga-gabaamin. We will land on that island.
Ayaawag ina giigoonyag omaa? Are there any fish about here?
Geget, giigoonyikaa. Yes, there are plenty.
Niwii-wewebanaabii. I am going to fish with a rod.
Wegonen waa-agokeyiwiyan†? What bait do you use?
Ashigonaawis. Just a worm.