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Bi-gopiwidoon iniw ayaagin imaa jiimaaning. Bring up the things from the boat.
Aaniindi ji-gabeshiyang? Where shall we pitch our tent?
Mazhii’igan na ayaa? Is there a clearing?
Daga mazhii’igedaa omaa. Aaniindi iw waagaakwad? Let us clear a place here. Where is the axe?
Jech oga-giishka’aanaan iniw mitigoon gaye iniw zagaakwa’iganan. Jack will cut the poles and pins.
Ninga-boodawe na? Shall I make a fire?
Enh, niibina gaye manisen. Yes, and get a good stock of wood for fuel.
Dakobijigan na gidayaan? Do you have a string?
Awi’ishikon gimookomaan. Lend me your knife.
Ambe giishkaw zhingobiinsag ji-apishimonikeyan. Now cut some fir branches for the floor of the tent.
Aazhi na gii-onzo akik? Is the kettle boiling yet?
Aaniindi iw zaasekokwaan? Where's the frying pan?
Nandawaaj gidaa-zaasekokwaanaa giigoonh. You had better fry some fish.
Ninga-bakwezhiganike. I’ll make bread.
Jack ogii-gawa’waan mitigoon, ninoondawaa madweshing. Jack has cut down a tree, I hear it falling.
Gego wiin daa-bangisinzinoon bingwi zaasekokwaaning. Don’t let the ashes fall in the frying pan.
Biskaakonenjigen†! Make the fire blaze up!
Nibinaadin! Fetch water!
Jiibaakwen ji-wiisining! Get the dinner ready.
Gaawiin atesinoon badaka’iganan. There are no forks.
Giziibiiginaaganen! Wash up the dishes!
Maanda giziiyaabika’igan. Here is a dish-towel.
Aaniindi giziingwe’on? Where is the towel?
Zagaswedaa; Asemaa na gidayaawaa? Let’s smoke. Do you have tobacco?
Enh, ningii-waniikenan dash nindoopwaagan. Yes, but I have left my pipe behind.
Giga-awi’ na gidoopwaagan? Can you lend me your pipe?
Zagimekaa sa omaa. The mosquitos are bad here.
Igiw zagimeg gaawiin ominwendanziinaawaa bakwene. The mosquitos don’t like smoke.
Ji-bwaa-waabang sa giga-gozimin. We must move on again before daylight tomorrow.
Wiidokawishin ji-zagakinigeyaan. Help me to pack up the things.
Gidaa-gashkiwidoon ina iw? Can you carry that?
Niwii-giziibiigininjii. I want to wash my hands.