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Biidaasamose Anishinaabe. Awegwen iidog? There's an Indian coming. I wonder who it is!
Onoopinanigoon ikwewan bemiwanenijin. He's being followed by a woman carrying a bundle.
Aa, boozhoo, niijii, aaniindi wenjibaayan? Ah, hello, friend, where are you coming from?
Boozhoo, boozhoo, niijii! Bijiinag sa ningii-gabaa iwidi neyaashing. Hello! I just landed at the Point.
Mii na go maaba giwiidigemaagan? Aa, boozhoo nindawemaa. Is this your wife? Hello, friend.
Waasa na gigii-bi-o-onjibaam? Have you come a long distance?
Enh, geget waasa; niso-dibik ningii-bi-gabeshimin gii-bi-bimishkaayaang. Yes, indeed; our camp is three day's journey up the country.
Aaniindi ji-gabeshiyeg noongom? And where are you going to camp now?
Agamiing sa, waabang idash iwidi wiikwedong ninga-izhaamin. Close to the shore, and to-morrow we go to the Bay.
Gigii-bi-wiijiiwigoog na abinoojiinyag? Have you any children with you?
Kaa! No!
Gigii-naganaawaag na iwidi endaayeg? You left them at home, did you?
Enh! Yes!
Giga-namadabim na akawe ji-anwebiyeg ji-bwaa- miinawaa maajaayeg? Will you sit down and rest, before going on further?
Gaawiin, azhigwa sa ishpi-giizhigad, ninga-maajaamin sa; Hoonh, hoonh, maajaadaa dash. No, it is already late, we must get on; Come, come (to his wife), let us start.
Aa, boozhoo dash, bekish miinawaa waabandiyangoban. Well, good bye, I hope we may see each other again.
Daga, aaniin endasogonagizid giizis, mii naano-giizhigad noongom. Let me see, what is the day of the month, to-day is Friday.
Midaaswi-shi-niiwigonagizigobanen giizis gii-anami'e-giizhigad noongom giizhigad dash midaawsi-shi-zhaangasogonagizidog. Last Sunday was the 14th, to-day must be the 19th.
Baawiting sa ninga-izhaa ge-ishkwaa-anami’e-giizhigak giishpin meno-giizhigadogwen. Next week I am going to Sault Ste. Marie, if the weather is fine.
Ningwaanakwad aapiji, da-gimiwan nindinendam. It is very cloudy, I think it will rain.
Gegaa sa ningo-biboonagad gaa-ako-ayaayaan omaa. It is nearly a year since I was here.
Gizhaate. It is hot weather.
Gisinaa. It is cold weather.
Noodin. The wind blows.



March 11, 2004: Chi-miigwech to Kees van Kolmeschate for pointing out to me some egregious typos and errors in an earlier post of this transliteration. (RV)