Onizhishi sa maaba bakwezhigan. | This bread is good. |
Onizhishin sa o'o wiiyaas. | This meat is good. |
Minomaagwad sa iniw naboob. | That soup smells good. (nb: minomaagwad is often spelled and pronounced as minomaagod.) |
Gaawiin nindayaasiin mookomaan. | I don't have a knife. (nb nindayaasiin would seem to be a more casual pronunciation and spelling of nindayaanziin) |
Gakina endashiyaang aapiji nimbakademin, niwii-ashamigoomin dash. | We're all very hungry and want to eat. |
Ambe, bi-wiisiniyog gakina endashiyeg; giin gaye, bi-wiisinin. | All of you come and eat; you (one person), too, come and eat! |
Gookoosh-wiiyaas ate, bizhiki-wiiyaas dash gaawiin atesinoon noongom. | There is pork today, but no beef. |
Ashamishikan opiniig. | Give me some potatoes. (nb uncertain of form ashamishikan; it looks like a delayed imperative, but such is not called for here) |
Giishkaabaagwe aw abinoojiinh. | That child is thirsty. |
Ningii-ashamigoominaaban maanishtaanishi-wiiyaas dagwaagong. | We used to have mutton last fall. |
Miizhishin emikwaan! | Give me a spoon. |
Gichi-emikwaan gemaa egaasaag? | A large one or a small one? |
Emikwaanens sa. | A small spoon. |
Minopogwad sa o'o boodin. | This pudding tastes good. (nb minopogwad is also often spelled and pronounced as minopogod.) |
Wiikaa na gigii-miijin amik-wiiyaas? | Did you ever eat beaver meat? |
Gaa, gaawiin wiikaa; aabiding dash ningii-ashamigoo makwa-wiiyaas. | No, never; once though I ate bear meat. |
Gigii-wanendaan ina iw waasagang ji-gii-dagonaman imaa naboobiing? | Did you forget to put pepper in the soup? |
Gichi-gizhidemagad iw debaate | The pie is very hot. (nb debaate is unattested, but Kees van Kolmeshate suggests it is likely from French des patŽs) |
Aangwaamizin ji-jaagidoonezosiwan. | Be careful not to burn to your mouth. |
Geyaabi na gegoo giwii-miijin? | Do you want to eat any more? |
Gaawiin, miigwech, mii azhigwa gii-ishkwaa-wiisiniyaan. | No, thank you, I’m finished eating. |
Ningii-debisinii. | I have had plenty. |
Mina'ishin. | Please give me something to drink. |
Gaawiin minikwaajigan atesinoon. | There is no cup. |
Mii na aniibiishaaboo waa-minikweyan? | Do you want to drink tea? |
Gaawiin, nibi eta. | No, just water. |
Dakaagamin na o'o? | Is this water fresh? |
Nibaadizi aw gwiiwizens. | That boy is greedy. |
Mii o'o iw badaka'igan gaa-aabajitooyaan. | Here's the fork that I used. |
Mii na igiw Anishinaabeg gaa-mawinzojig iniw ode'iminan? | Did the Indians gather those strawberries? |
Aaniin apii ge-adisowaad igiw miskwiiminag? | When will the raspberries be ripe? (nb, Wilson has misqueemenug, which I have rendered as above; the common word for raspberries in contemporary usage is miskominag.) |
March 11, 2004: Chi-miigwech to Kees van Kolmeschate for pointing out to me some egregious typos and errors in an earlier post of this transliteration. (RV)