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Pers | Dem | Inter | Dub | Indef

1s niin 'I, me, my, mine'
2s giin 'you (sg.), your'
3s wiin 's/he, her/him, her/his/its'
1p niinawind 'we (excluding you), us, our'
21 giinawind 'we (including you), us, our'
2p giinawaa 'you (pl.), your'
3p wiinawaa 'they, them, their'

• Unlike the personal pronouns of English, Ojibwe pronouns do not have special forms for different grammatical functions, such as English I for 'first person singular subject,' and me, for 'first person singular' object, my, for first person singular possessor, etc. A single Ojibwe pronoun is used for all of these functions. Ojibwe personal pronouns, too, are used differently from their English equivalents, in that when Ojibwe pronouns are present, they often add emphasis, contrast, or clarification. This is because standard grammatical roles are expressed by means of prefixes and suffixes on verbs. Ojibwe personal pronouns are also used when no verb is present.

• The following are some examples of the usage of personal pronouns in sentences:

"Indaanis, ingii-paashkizogoo gaye niin," mii ko gaa-ikidod. '"My daughter, they shot me too," that's what she said.' (MK)

Mawinzoyaan gaye niin. 'I picked berries too.' (MK)

Giin gizhiikaabatooyan, maajiibatoon naadin i'iw mashkikiwaaboo iwidi neyaashing. 'You run fast, run and get the medicine there on the point.' (MK)

Awenen giin? 'Who are you?'

Bezhig igo onapijige, miish niinawind ezhi-naganigooyaang. 'One of them harnessed up and then they left us.' (MK)

Aanish naa gii-michaani i'iw endaawaad, gii-ishpimisagokaadeni, mii go gaye niinawind dibishkoo. 'Well, their regular place was big and had a second floor like our place.' (MK)

Giinawaa go ge-izhi'eg giga-izhi'aawaa maa gaye wii-niseg. 'Whatever you want to do to him you must do, even if you want to kill him.' (AW)

Wiinawaa ogii-gikendaanaawaa Anishinaabeg gegoo inaapinewaad. 'The Indians themselves knew what it was when they were in any way ill.' (AW)