Lesson 6

Introduction to Ojibwe Demonstrative Pronouns

In this lesson we will learn Ojibwe pronouns that translate into English as 'this,' 'that,' 'these,' and 'those.' In Ojibwe, there are distinct pronouns for animates and inanimates, as well as distinct pronouns for animate obviatives (fourth person).

Demonstrative Pronouns

The following handout and worksheet was given in class, so you do not need to download it unless you did not get it: Demonstrative Forms

Other Worksheets

Various other worksheets were and will be handed out in class. In case you did not receive them, they are available here:

VAI N-Final Practice Sheet, minoshin

VAI N-Final Practice Sheet, zhingishin

VTA 1s Practice Sheet

VTA 2s Practice Sheet

Vocabulary for Week 6

The list of this week's vocabulary can be found on the main vocabulary page, which you can access by clicking on the following link.

Week 6 Vocabulary

An mp3 file with all of this week's vocabulary can be found downloaded by right-clicking (in Windows, control-clicking in Mac OS) on the following link:

Week 6 Vocabulary mp3

Flashcard sets for Week 6 vocabulary can be found at the following links:

English to Ojibwe Flashcards

Ojibwe to English Flashcards

The following links provide you with cumulative flashcard sets for vocabulary from Lessons 1 through 7 (note that this includes the next lesson as well).

English to Ojibwe Cumulative 1-7 Vocabulary

Ojibwe to English Cumulative 1-7 Vocabulary

Reading and Reaction

For this week, I'd like you explore the Woodlands painting tradition established by Ojibwe artist Norval Morrisseau. To do this, use your own web-searching skills to find sites that feature Morrisseau and his art. Be careful of what you read, because Morrisseau is exceedingly famous in Canada, and as a result, many people feel the liberty to say all sorts of things about him. For this assignment, try to produce a paragraph or two of biographical material on Morrisseau (do not simply cut and paste, put things in your own words), and briefly explain what Morrisseau's art is about. Your reaction should be a maximum of two pages.