Lesson 1 - 7 Ikidowinan - Anishinaabemowin to English

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anokiivai work
aaniinpc how, in what way; also used a greeting in many southern Ojibwe dialects
bakadevai be hungry
daavai live in a certain place
gwiiwizensna boy; pl gwiiwizensag
ikwena woman; pl ikwewag; dim ikwens
ikwezensna girl; pl ikwezensag
imaa, i'imaapc there
ininina man; pl ininiwag; dim ininiins
iwidipc over there
izhaavai go to a certain place
izhi-ayaavai feel so
izhinikaazovai be named so
maajaavai leave, depart, set off
maajitaavai start an activity
mindimooyenhna old woman, old lady; pl mindimooyenyag; dim mindimooyens
mino-ayaavai be good, be fine, be well
nawapwaanikevai make a lunch to take along; take along a lunch
nibaavai sleep
omaa, o'omaapc here
wiisinivai eat
animoshna dog; Bakade animosh. 'The dog is hungry.'
animoshagna dogs (plural); Bakadewag animoshag. 'The dogs are hungry.'
animoonsna little dog (diminutive); Nibaa animoons. 'The puppy/little dog is sleeping.'
inday, nindayna my dog (possessive); Bakade inday. 'My dog is hungry.'
ayaavai be in a place; Iwidi ayaa mindimooyenh. 'The old woman is over there.'
awesiinhna animal; Wiisini awesiinh. 'The animal is eating.'
awesiinyagna animals (plural); Awesiinyag wiisiniwag. 'The animals are eating.'
aapijipc really (extremely), very, quite; Aapiji imbakade. 'I'm very hungry.'
aawivai be (a certain thing or being); Ikwezens aawi. 'She's a girl.'
da-pv future tense, Da-wiisini gwiiwizens. 'The boy will eat.'
daa-pv could, should, would, Indaa-wiisin. 'I should eat.'
ga-pv future tense; Giga-wiisin ina? 'Are you (sg) going to eat?'
gaazhagensna cat; Bakade gaazhagens. 'The cat is hungry.'
gaazhagensagna cats (plural); Bakadewag gaazhagensag. 'The cats are hungry.'
gichi-, chi-pv, pn great, very, big; Gichi-wiisini ikwezens. 'The girl is really chowing down.' Gichi-zhigaag ayaa iwidi! 'There's a big skunk over there!'
gii-pv past tense; ingii-wiisin 'I ate'; gii-wiisini inday 'My dog ate.'
giinpn you (sg.) (second person singular personal pronoun); Giin ina gigii-wiisin? 'Did YOU(sg.) eat?'
ikidovai say (such), speak so; 'Boozhoo,' gii-ikido gwiiwizens. 'The boy said 'Hi.'' Aaniin ekidong 'cat'? 'How does one say 'cat'?'
makwana bear; Makwa da-bakade. 'The bear will be hungry.'
makwagna bears (plural); Makwag da-bakadewag. 'The bears will be hungry.'
makoonsna bear cub, little bear (diminutive); Makoons indaaw. 'I am a cub.' (said by certain rabid fans in Chicago)
miinawaapc again, also, and; gaazhagens miinawaa animosh '(the) dog and (the) cat'; Miinawaa ingii-wiisin. 'I ate again.'
na, inapc question particle used with yes/no-type questions; Giwii-wiisin ina? 'Do you want to eat?'; Bakade na animosh? 'Is the dog hungry?'
niinpr I, me, my (first person singular personal pronoun). Niin inday bakade. 'MY dog is hungry'; Ingii-wiisin niin. 'As for ME, I ate.'
ozhibii'igevai write (things); Inga-ozhibii'ige. 'I'm going to write.'
sapc emphatic particle; Niin sa, Rand. 'It is I, Rand. (typical ending to a letter if your name happens to be Rand).
wii-pv want to, intend to; Niwii-wiisin. 'I want to eat.'
wiinpr s/he, her/him, hers/his (third person singular personal pronoun); Wiin gii-wiisini. 'As for HER, she ate.'
zhigaagna skunk; Zhigaag nibaa. 'The skunk is sleeping.'
zhigaagwagna skunks (plural) Zhigaagwag nibaawag. 'The skunks are sleeping.'
zhigaagoonsna little skunk, baby skunk (diminutive); Zhigaagoons nibaa. 'The little skunk is sleeping.'
zhiishiibna duck; Zhiishiib wiisini. 'The duck is eating.'
zhiishiibagna ducks (plural); Zhiishiibag wiisiniwag. 'The ducks are eating.'
zhiishiibensna duckling, little duck (diminutive) Zhiishiibens nibaa. 'The duckling is sleeping.'
adoopowinni table; pl adoopowinan; loc adoopowining; dim adoopowinens
adoopowinanni tables (plural)
adoopowiningni on, at, by the table(s) (locative)
agindaasoowigamigni library; pl agindaasoowigamigoon; loc agindaasoowigamigong
agindaasoowigamingoonni libraries (plural)
agindaasoowigamigongni at, in the library (locative)
apabiwinni chair; pl apabiwinan; loc apabawining; dim apabiwinens
apabiwinanni chairs (plural)
apabiwiningni on, by the chair(s) (locative)
apabiwinensni little chair (diminutive)
babagiwayaanni shirt; pl babagiwayaanan; loc babagiwayaaning; dim babagiwayaanens
babagiwayaananni shirts (plural)
babagiwayaaningni on, in the shirt(s) (locative)
babagiwayaanensni little shirt (diminutive)
ganawaabamvta look at s.o.; watch s.o.
ganawaabandanvti look at s.t., watch s.t.
giboodiyegwaazonna pants; pl giboodiyegwaazonag; loc giboodiyegwaazoning
giboodiyegwaazonagna pairs of pants (plural)
giboodiyegwaazoningna in, on the pants (locative)
gikendanvti know s.t.
gikenimvta know s.o.
gikinoo'amaadiiwigamigni school, classroom; pl gikinoo'amaadiiwigamigoon; loc gikinoo'amaadiiwigamingong
gikinoo'amaadiiwigamigoonni schools, classrooms (plural)
gikinoo'amaadiiwigamongni in, at the school(s), classroom(s)
gikinoo'amaagozivai be a student; study; be taught
giinawaapr you (pl.), your (pl.) (second person plural personal pronoun)
giinawindpr we (including you), us (including you), our (including you) (first person plural inclusive personal pronoun)
jiimaanni boat, canoe; pl jiimaanan; loc jiimaaning; dim jiimaanens
jiimaananni boats, canoes (plural)
jiimaaningni in, at, by the boat(s)
jiimaanensni little boat, little canoe, toy boat, toy canoe (diminutive)
makizinni shoe; pl makizinan; loc makizining; dim makizinens
makizinanni shoes (plural)
makiziningni in, on the shoe(s) (locative)
makizinensni little shoe (diminutive)
miiso then...; it's that...; it's thus that...
niinawindpr we (excluding you), us (excluding you), our (excluding you) (first person plural exclusive personal pronoun)
ozhibii'iganaakni pen, pencil; pl ozhibii'iganaakoon; dim ozhibii'iganaakoons
ozhibii'iganaakoonni pens, pencils (plural)
ozhibii'iganaakoonsni little pen, little pencil (diminutive)
wiinawaapr they (an.), their (an.) (third person plural (animate) personal pronoun
wiisiniiwigamigni restaurant, dining hall, cafeteria; pl wiisiniiwigamigoon; loc wiisiniiwigamigong; dim wiisiniiwigamigoons
wiisiniiwigamigoonni restaurants, cafeterias, dining halls (plural)
wiisiniiwigamigongni at, in the restaurant(s), cafeteria(s), dining hall(s) (locative)
zagimena mosquito; pl zagimeg; dim zagimens
zagimegna mosquitoes (plural)
gikinoo'amaaganna student; pl gikinoo'amaaganag; dim gikinoo'amaagaans
gikinoo'amaaganagna students (pl)
(n)indaanisagnad my daughters
(n)imbaabaanad my father /-baabaay-/; pl (n)imbaabaayag
(n)indaanisnad my daughter /-daanis-/; pl (n)indaanisag; dim (n)indaanisens
(n)indedenad my father /-dedey-/; pl (n)indedeyag
ingitiziimagnad my parents
(n)indoodemna my clan, my totem /-doodem-/; pl (n)indoodemag
(n)ingitiziimnad my parent /-gitiziim-/; pl (n)ingitiziimag
(n)ingozisnad my son /-gozis-/; pl (n)ingozisag
(n)ingozisagnad my sons
(n)inzigosnad my cross-aunt (father's sister) /-zigos-/; pl (n)inzigosag
(n)inzigosagnad my cross-aunts (father's sisters)
(n)inzhishenhnad my cross-uncle (mother's brother) /-zhisheny-/; pl (n)inzhishenyag
(n)inzhishenyagnad my cross-uncles (mother's brothers)
nimisenhnad my older sister /-misenh-/; my older female parallel cousin; pl nimisenyag
nimisenyagnad my older sisters, my older female parallel cousins
nimishoomenad my parallel uncle (father's brother) /-mishoomey-/; pl nimishoomeyag
nimishoomeyagnad my parallel uncles (father's brothers)
nimishoomisnad my grandfather /-mishoomis-/; pl nimishoomisag
nimishoomisagnad my grandfathers
niniigi'igoognad-p my parents /-niigi'igw-/ (only used in the plural)
ninoshenhnad my parallel aunt (mother's sister) /-nosheny-/; pl ninoshenyag
ninoshenyagnad my parallel aunts (mother's sisters)
nisayenyagnad my older brothers, my older parallel cousins
nisayenhnad my older brother, my older parallel cousin /-sayeny-/; pl nisayenyag
nishiimenad my younger sibling, my younger parallel cousin /-shiimey-/; pl nishiimeyag
nishiimeyagnad my younger siblings, my younger parallel cousins
niiji-pn my fellow, e.g. niiji-gikinoo'amaagan 'my fellow student'
niinimoshenhnad my sweetheart, my cross-cousin of the opposite sex /-iinimoshenh-/; pl niinimoshenyag
niinimoshenyagnad my sweethearts, my cross-cousins of the opposite sex
nookomisnad my grandmother /-ookomis-/; pl nookomisag
nookomisagnad my grandmothers
noosnad my father (formal, old fashioned) /-oos-/; pl noosag
niwiidigemaaganna(d) my spouse /-wiidigemaagan-/; pl niwiidigemaaganag
niwiidigemaaganagna(d) my spouses
o-pv go over (to another location) to...
ayaavai be (in a certain place)
bookogaadeshinvai fall and break one's arm
bookonikevai break one's arm, have a broken arm
dagoshinvai arrive
dewinikevai have an ache in one's arm
gaagiijinikevai have a sore arm
(n)inde'nid my heart; pl (n)inde'an; loc (n)inde'ing
(n)indoonnid my mouth; pl (n)indoonan; loc (n)indooning
(n)ingoodaasnid my dress; pl (n)ingoodaasan
(n)injaanzhnid my nose; pl (n)injaanzhan; loc (n)injaanzhing
(n)inzidnid my foot; pl (n)inzidan; loc (n)inzidaang
minwendamvai be happy, be glad
naazhinikenivai lower one's arm
nikaadnid my leg; pl nikaadan; loc nikaading
niniknid my arm; pl ninikan; loc ninikaang
nininjnid my hand; pl nininjiin; loc nininjiing
nishkiinzhignid my eye; pl nishkiinzhigoon; loc nishkiinzhigong
nishtigwaannid my head; pl nishtigwaanan; loc nishtigwaaning
nitawagnid my ear; pl nitawagan; loc nitawagaang
ombinikenivai lift one's arm
zoonginikevai have a strong arm
a'awpr-an. that (one) (an.). A'aw inini, 'that man.'
ani-pv. going away..., going along..., in progress..., on the way... Ani-wiisinin! 'Go eat!'
ayaanvti. have s.t. (in.). Jiimaan (n)indayaan. 'I have a canoe.'
ayaawvta. have s.o., have s.t. (an.). Gaazhagens (n)indayaawaa, 'I have a cat.'
bipv. toward the speaker, this way, hither. Bi-wiisinin! 'Come and eat.'
dagapc. please. Daga, wiisinin! 'Please, eat!'
gagwejimvta. ask s.o. (something). Ingii-kakwejimaa gwiiwizens, 'I asked the boy.'
i'iwpr-in. that (in.). I'iw jiimaan, 'that boat.'
ingiwpr-an. those (an.). Ingiw mindimooyenyag, 'those old women.'
iniw (an.)pr-an. that/those (an. obv. [fourth-person]). Iniw Zhaabadiis ogozisan, 'that/those son(s) of John's'
iniw (in.)pr-in. those (in.). Iniw jiimaanan, 'those canoes.'
miizhvta. give (something) to s.o. Miizh Zhaabadiis bakwezhiganan. 'Give John bread.'
o'owpr-in. this (in.). O'ow jiimaan, 'this boat.'
ongowpr-an. these (an.). Ongow ininiwag, 'These men.'
onow (an.)pr-an. that/these (an. obv. [fourth-person]). Onow Maanii ogozisan, 'that/these son(s) of Mary's'
onow (in.)pr-in. these (in.). Onow jiimaanan, 'these canoes.'
wa'awpr-an. this (an.). Wa'aw gaazhagens, 'this cat.'
waabamvta. see s.o., s.t. (an.). Niwaabamaa zhiishiib, 'I see the/a duck.'
zaagi'vta. love s.o., s.t. (an.). Gizaagi'in, 'I love you (sg.).'
awasonaagopc. the day before yesterday. Gii-kimiwan awasonaago. 'It rained the day before yesterday.'
awas-waabangpc. the day after tomorrow. Awas-waabang inga-maajaa. 'I'll leave the day after tomorrow.'
ningwaanakwadvii. be cloudy. Gii-ningwaanakwad bijiinaago. 'It was cloudy yesterday.'
bagamibiisaavii. rain arrives, rain comes.
bijiinaagopc. yesterday. Bijiinaago ingii-waabamaa makwa. 'I saw a bear yesterday.'
dakaanimadvii. be a cold wind, there is a cold wind. Wii-takaanimad waabang, 'There's going to be a cold wind tomorrow.'
dakaayaavii. be cool weather, the weather is cold, cool. Dakaayaa noongom giizhigak. 'It's cold (weather) today.'
dakibiisaavii. be a cold rain, there is a cold rain. Wii-takibiisaa noongom dibikak. 'There's going to be a cold rain tonight.'
gimiwanvii. rain, precipitate, it's raining. Gii-kimiwan bijiinaago. 'It rained yesterday.'
gizhaatevii. be hot weather, the weather is hot. Gizhaate noongom giizhigak. 'The weather is hot today.'
gizhaatemagadvii. be hot weather, the weather is hot. Gizhaatemagad noongom giizhigak. 'The weather is hot today.'
izhiwebadvii. be such weather, how the weather is... Aaniin ezhiwebak noongom? 'What's the weather like today?'
maji-giizhigadvii. be bad weather, be a bad day (esp. weatherwise). Gii-maji-giizhigad bijiinaago. 'The weather was bad yesterday.'
mamaangaashkaavii. be big waves, there are big waves (on the water). Gii-mamaangaashkaa zaaga'iganiing bijiinaago. 'There were big waves on the lake yesterday.'
mizhakwadvii. be clear (weather), the weather is clear. Mizhakwad noongom giizhigak. 'The weather is clear today.'
noodinvii. be windy, it's windy. Gii-noodin dibikong. 'It was windy last night.'
noongompc. now, today, nowadays. Wii-kimiwan noongom, 'It will rain today.'
waabangvii. tomorrow. Wii-kimiwan waabang. 'It's going to rain tomorrow.'
zoogiponvii. snow, it's snowing. Gii-soogipon dibikong. 'It snowed last night.'