This exercise lets you randomly cycle through your vocabulary in a flashcard style. Click Next to begin and to advance to new words; continue clicking Next to practice vocabulary. When you feel you know a word, click Delete to remove it from the practice set.
anokii | vai work |
aaniin | pc how, in what way; also used a greeting in many southern Ojibwe dialects |
bakade | vai be hungry |
daa | vai live in a certain place |
gwiiwizens | na boy; pl gwiiwizensag |
ikwe | na woman; pl ikwewag; dim ikwens |
ikwezens | na girl; pl ikwezensag |
imaa, i'imaa | pc there |
inini | na man; pl ininiwag; dim ininiins |
iwidi | pc over there |
izhaa | vai go to a certain place |
izhi-ayaa | vai feel so |
izhinikaazo | vai be named so |
maajaa | vai leave, depart, set off |
maajitaa | vai start an activity |
mindimooyenh | na old woman, old lady; pl mindimooyenyag; dim mindimooyens |
mino-ayaa | vai be good, be fine, be well |
nawapwaanike | vai make a lunch to take along; take along a lunch |
nibaa | vai sleep |
omaa, o'omaa | pc here |
wiisini | vai eat |
animosh | na dog; Bakade animosh. 'The dog is hungry.' |
animoshag | na dogs (plural); Bakadewag animoshag. 'The dogs are hungry.' |
animoons | na little dog (diminutive); Nibaa animoons. 'The puppy/little dog is sleeping.' |
inday, ninday | na my dog (possessive); Bakade inday. 'My dog is hungry.' |
ayaa | vai be in a place; Iwidi ayaa mindimooyenh. 'The old woman is over there.' |
awesiinh | na animal; Wiisini awesiinh. 'The animal is eating.' |
awesiinyag | na animals (plural); Awesiinyag wiisiniwag. 'The animals are eating.' |
aapiji | pc really (extremely), very, quite; Aapiji imbakade. 'I'm very hungry.' |
aawi | vai be (a certain thing or being); Ikwezens aawi. 'She's a girl.' |
da- | pv future tense, Da-wiisini gwiiwizens. 'The boy will eat.' |
daa- | pv could, should, would, Indaa-wiisin. 'I should eat.' |
ga- | pv future tense; Giga-wiisin ina? 'Are you (sg) going to eat?' |
gaazhagens | na cat; Bakade gaazhagens. 'The cat is hungry.' |
gaazhagensag | na cats (plural); Bakadewag gaazhagensag. 'The cats are hungry.' |
gichi-, chi- | pv, pn great, very, big; Gichi-wiisini ikwezens. 'The girl is really chowing down.' Gichi-zhigaag ayaa iwidi! 'There's a big skunk over there!' |
gii- | pv past tense; ingii-wiisin 'I ate'; gii-wiisini inday 'My dog ate.' |
giin | pn you (sg.) (second person singular personal pronoun); Giin ina gigii-wiisin? 'Did YOU(sg.) eat?' |
ikido | vai say (such), speak so; 'Boozhoo,' gii-ikido gwiiwizens. 'The boy said 'Hi.'' Aaniin ekidong 'cat'? 'How does one say 'cat'?' |
makwa | na bear; Makwa da-bakade. 'The bear will be hungry.' |
makwag | na bears (plural); Makwag da-bakadewag. 'The bears will be hungry.' |
makoons | na bear cub, little bear (diminutive); Makoons indaaw. 'I am a cub.' (said by certain rabid fans in Chicago) |
miinawaa | pc again, also, and; gaazhagens miinawaa animosh '(the) dog and (the) cat'; Miinawaa ingii-wiisin. 'I ate again.' |
na, ina | pc question particle used with yes/no-type questions; Giwii-wiisin ina? 'Do you want to eat?'; Bakade na animosh? 'Is the dog hungry?' |
niin | pr I, me, my (first person singular personal pronoun). Niin inday bakade. 'MY dog is hungry'; Ingii-wiisin niin. 'As for ME, I ate.' |
ozhibii'ige | vai write (things); Inga-ozhibii'ige. 'I'm going to write.' |
sa | pc emphatic particle; Niin sa, Rand. 'It is I, Rand. (typical ending to a letter if your name happens to be Rand). |
wii- | pv want to, intend to; Niwii-wiisin. 'I want to eat.' |
wiin | pr s/he, her/him, hers/his (third person singular personal pronoun); Wiin gii-wiisini. 'As for HER, she ate.' |
zhigaag | na skunk; Zhigaag nibaa. 'The skunk is sleeping.' |
zhigaagwag | na skunks (plural) Zhigaagwag nibaawag. 'The skunks are sleeping.' |
zhigaagoons | na little skunk, baby skunk (diminutive); Zhigaagoons nibaa. 'The little skunk is sleeping.' |
zhiishiib | na duck; Zhiishiib wiisini. 'The duck is eating.' |
zhiishiibag | na ducks (plural); Zhiishiibag wiisiniwag. 'The ducks are eating.' |
zhiishiibens | na duckling, little duck (diminutive) Zhiishiibens nibaa. 'The duckling is sleeping.' |
adoopowin | ni table; pl adoopowinan; loc adoopowining; dim adoopowinens |
adoopowinan | ni tables (plural) |
adoopowining | ni on, at, by the table(s) (locative) |
agindaasoowigamig | ni library; pl agindaasoowigamigoon; loc agindaasoowigamigong |
agindaasoowigamingoon | ni libraries (plural) |
agindaasoowigamigong | ni at, in the library (locative) |
apabiwin | ni chair; pl apabiwinan; loc apabawining; dim apabiwinens |
apabiwinan | ni chairs (plural) |
apabiwining | ni on, by the chair(s) (locative) |
apabiwinens | ni little chair (diminutive) |
babagiwayaan | ni shirt; pl babagiwayaanan; loc babagiwayaaning; dim babagiwayaanens |
babagiwayaanan | ni shirts (plural) |
babagiwayaaning | ni on, in the shirt(s) (locative) |
babagiwayaanens | ni little shirt (diminutive) |
ganawaabam | vta look at s.o.; watch s.o. |
ganawaabandan | vti look at s.t., watch s.t. |
giboodiyegwaazon | na pants; pl giboodiyegwaazonag; loc giboodiyegwaazoning |
giboodiyegwaazonag | na pairs of pants (plural) |
giboodiyegwaazoning | na in, on the pants (locative) |
gikendan | vti know s.t. |
gikenim | vta know s.o. |
gikinoo'amaadiiwigamig | ni school, classroom; pl gikinoo'amaadiiwigamigoon; loc gikinoo'amaadiiwigamingong |
gikinoo'amaadiiwigamigoon | ni schools, classrooms (plural) |
gikinoo'amaadiiwigamong | ni in, at the school(s), classroom(s) |
gikinoo'amaagozi | vai be a student; study; be taught |
giinawaa | pr you (pl.), your (pl.) (second person plural personal pronoun) |
giinawind | pr we (including you), us (including you), our (including you) (first person plural inclusive personal pronoun) |
jiimaan | ni boat, canoe; pl jiimaanan; loc jiimaaning; dim jiimaanens |
jiimaanan | ni boats, canoes (plural) |
jiimaaning | ni in, at, by the boat(s) |
jiimaanens | ni little boat, little canoe, toy boat, toy canoe (diminutive) |
makizin | ni shoe; pl makizinan; loc makizining; dim makizinens |
makizinan | ni shoes (plural) |
makizining | ni in, on the shoe(s) (locative) |
makizinens | ni little shoe (diminutive) |
mii | so then...; it's that...; it's thus that... |
niinawind | pr we (excluding you), us (excluding you), our (excluding you) (first person plural exclusive personal pronoun) |
ozhibii'iganaak | ni pen, pencil; pl ozhibii'iganaakoon; dim ozhibii'iganaakoons |
ozhibii'iganaakoon | ni pens, pencils (plural) |
ozhibii'iganaakoons | ni little pen, little pencil (diminutive) |
wiinawaa | pr they (an.), their (an.) (third person plural (animate) personal pronoun |
wiisiniiwigamig | ni restaurant, dining hall, cafeteria; pl wiisiniiwigamigoon; loc wiisiniiwigamigong; dim wiisiniiwigamigoons |
wiisiniiwigamigoon | ni restaurants, cafeterias, dining halls (plural) |
wiisiniiwigamigong | ni at, in the restaurant(s), cafeteria(s), dining hall(s) (locative) |
zagime | na mosquito; pl zagimeg; dim zagimens |
zagimeg | na mosquitoes (plural) |
gikinoo'amaagan | na student; pl gikinoo'amaaganag; dim gikinoo'amaagaans |
gikinoo'amaaganag | na students (pl) |
(n)indaanisag | nad my daughters |
(n)imbaabaa | nad my father /-baabaay-/; pl (n)imbaabaayag |
(n)indaanis | nad my daughter /-daanis-/; pl (n)indaanisag; dim (n)indaanisens |
(n)indede | nad my father /-dedey-/; pl (n)indedeyag |
ingitiziimag | nad my parents |
(n)indoodem | na my clan, my totem /-doodem-/; pl (n)indoodemag |
(n)ingitiziim | nad my parent /-gitiziim-/; pl (n)ingitiziimag |
(n)ingozis | nad my son /-gozis-/; pl (n)ingozisag |
(n)ingozisag | nad my sons |
(n)inzigos | nad my cross-aunt (father's sister) /-zigos-/; pl (n)inzigosag |
(n)inzigosag | nad my cross-aunts (father's sisters) |
(n)inzhishenh | nad my cross-uncle (mother's brother) /-zhisheny-/; pl (n)inzhishenyag |
(n)inzhishenyag | nad my cross-uncles (mother's brothers) |
nimisenh | nad my older sister /-misenh-/; my older female parallel cousin; pl nimisenyag |
nimisenyag | nad my older sisters, my older female parallel cousins |
nimishoome | nad my parallel uncle (father's brother) /-mishoomey-/; pl nimishoomeyag |
nimishoomeyag | nad my parallel uncles (father's brothers) |
nimishoomis | nad my grandfather /-mishoomis-/; pl nimishoomisag |
nimishoomisag | nad my grandfathers |
niniigi'igoog | nad-p my parents /-niigi'igw-/ (only used in the plural) |
ninoshenh | nad my parallel aunt (mother's sister) /-nosheny-/; pl ninoshenyag |
ninoshenyag | nad my parallel aunts (mother's sisters) |
nisayenyag | nad my older brothers, my older parallel cousins |
nisayenh | nad my older brother, my older parallel cousin /-sayeny-/; pl nisayenyag |
nishiime | nad my younger sibling, my younger parallel cousin /-shiimey-/; pl nishiimeyag |
nishiimeyag | nad my younger siblings, my younger parallel cousins |
niiji- | pn my fellow, e.g. niiji-gikinoo'amaagan 'my fellow student' |
niinimoshenh | nad my sweetheart, my cross-cousin of the opposite sex /-iinimoshenh-/; pl niinimoshenyag |
niinimoshenyag | nad my sweethearts, my cross-cousins of the opposite sex |
nookomis | nad my grandmother /-ookomis-/; pl nookomisag |
nookomisag | nad my grandmothers |
noos | nad my father (formal, old fashioned) /-oos-/; pl noosag |
niwiidigemaagan | na(d) my spouse /-wiidigemaagan-/; pl niwiidigemaaganag |
niwiidigemaaganag | na(d) my spouses |
o- | pv go over (to another location) to... |
ayaa | vai be (in a certain place) |
bookogaadeshin | vai fall and break one's arm |
bookonike | vai break one's arm, have a broken arm |
dagoshin | vai arrive |
dewinike | vai have an ache in one's arm |
gaagiijinike | vai have a sore arm |
(n)inde' | nid my heart; pl (n)inde'an; loc (n)inde'ing |
(n)indoon | nid my mouth; pl (n)indoonan; loc (n)indooning |
(n)ingoodaas | nid my dress; pl (n)ingoodaasan |
(n)injaanzh | nid my nose; pl (n)injaanzhan; loc (n)injaanzhing |
(n)inzid | nid my foot; pl (n)inzidan; loc (n)inzidaang |
minwendam | vai be happy, be glad |
naazhinikeni | vai lower one's arm |
nikaad | nid my leg; pl nikaadan; loc nikaading |
ninik | nid my arm; pl ninikan; loc ninikaang |
nininj | nid my hand; pl nininjiin; loc nininjiing |
nishkiinzhig | nid my eye; pl nishkiinzhigoon; loc nishkiinzhigong |
nishtigwaan | nid my head; pl nishtigwaanan; loc nishtigwaaning |
nitawag | nid my ear; pl nitawagan; loc nitawagaang |
ombinikeni | vai lift one's arm |
zoonginike | vai have a strong arm |
a'aw | pr-an. that (one) (an.). A'aw inini, 'that man.' |
ani- | pv. going away..., going along..., in progress..., on the way... Ani-wiisinin! 'Go eat!' |
ayaan | vti. have s.t. (in.). Jiimaan (n)indayaan. 'I have a canoe.' |
ayaaw | vta. have s.o., have s.t. (an.). Gaazhagens (n)indayaawaa, 'I have a cat.' |
bi | pv. toward the speaker, this way, hither. Bi-wiisinin! 'Come and eat.' |
daga | pc. please. Daga, wiisinin! 'Please, eat!' |
gagwejim | vta. ask s.o. (something). Ingii-kakwejimaa gwiiwizens, 'I asked the boy.' |
i'iw | pr-in. that (in.). I'iw jiimaan, 'that boat.' |
ingiw | pr-an. those (an.). Ingiw mindimooyenyag, 'those old women.' |
iniw (an.) | pr-an. that/those (an. obv. [fourth-person]). Iniw Zhaabadiis ogozisan, 'that/those son(s) of John's' |
iniw (in.) | pr-in. those (in.). Iniw jiimaanan, 'those canoes.' |
miizh | vta. give (something) to s.o. Miizh Zhaabadiis bakwezhiganan. 'Give John bread.' |
o'ow | pr-in. this (in.). O'ow jiimaan, 'this boat.' |
ongow | pr-an. these (an.). Ongow ininiwag, 'These men.' |
onow (an.) | pr-an. that/these (an. obv. [fourth-person]). Onow Maanii ogozisan, 'that/these son(s) of Mary's' |
onow (in.) | pr-in. these (in.). Onow jiimaanan, 'these canoes.' |
wa'aw | pr-an. this (an.). Wa'aw gaazhagens, 'this cat.' |
waabam | vta. see s.o., s.t. (an.). Niwaabamaa zhiishiib, 'I see the/a duck.' |
zaagi' | vta. love s.o., s.t. (an.). Gizaagi'in, 'I love you (sg.).' |
awasonaago | pc. the day before yesterday. Gii-kimiwan awasonaago. 'It rained the day before yesterday.' |
awas-waabang | pc. the day after tomorrow. Awas-waabang inga-maajaa. 'I'll leave the day after tomorrow.' |
ningwaanakwad | vii. be cloudy. Gii-ningwaanakwad bijiinaago. 'It was cloudy yesterday.' |
bagamibiisaa | vii. rain arrives, rain comes. |
bijiinaago | pc. yesterday. Bijiinaago ingii-waabamaa makwa. 'I saw a bear yesterday.' |
dakaanimad | vii. be a cold wind, there is a cold wind. Wii-takaanimad waabang, 'There's going to be a cold wind tomorrow.' |
dakaayaa | vii. be cool weather, the weather is cold, cool. Dakaayaa noongom giizhigak. 'It's cold (weather) today.' |
dakibiisaa | vii. be a cold rain, there is a cold rain. Wii-takibiisaa noongom dibikak. 'There's going to be a cold rain tonight.' |
gimiwan | vii. rain, precipitate, it's raining. Gii-kimiwan bijiinaago. 'It rained yesterday.' |
gizhaate | vii. be hot weather, the weather is hot. Gizhaate noongom giizhigak. 'The weather is hot today.' |
gizhaatemagad | vii. be hot weather, the weather is hot. Gizhaatemagad noongom giizhigak. 'The weather is hot today.' |
izhiwebad | vii. be such weather, how the weather is... Aaniin ezhiwebak noongom? 'What's the weather like today?' |
maji-giizhigad | vii. be bad weather, be a bad day (esp. weatherwise). Gii-maji-giizhigad bijiinaago. 'The weather was bad yesterday.' |
mamaangaashkaa | vii. be big waves, there are big waves (on the water). Gii-mamaangaashkaa zaaga'iganiing bijiinaago. 'There were big waves on the lake yesterday.' |
mizhakwad | vii. be clear (weather), the weather is clear. Mizhakwad noongom giizhigak. 'The weather is clear today.' |
noodin | vii. be windy, it's windy. Gii-noodin dibikong. 'It was windy last night.' |
noongom | pc. now, today, nowadays. Wii-kimiwan noongom, 'It will rain today.' |
waabang | vii. tomorrow. Wii-kimiwan waabang. 'It's going to rain tomorrow.' |
zoogipon | vii. snow, it's snowing. Gii-soogipon dibikong. 'It snowed last night.' |