This exercise lets you randomly cycle through your vocabulary in a flashcard style. Click Next to begin and to advance to new words; continue clicking Next to practice vocabulary. When you feel you know a word, click Delete to remove it from the practice set.
dog | animosh na; pl animoshag; dim animoons; my dog, inday |
be in a (particular) place | ayaa vai; Iwidi ayaa mindimooyenh. 'The old woman is over there.' |
animal | awesiinh na; pl awesiinyag |
very, quite, to a great degree (particle) | aapiji pc; Aapiji imbakade. 'I'm very hungry.' |
be (a certain thing or being) | aawi vai; Ikwezens aawi. '(That person) is a girl.' |
future tense | da- pv Da-wiisini gwiiwizens. 'The boy will eat.'; ga- pv Giga-wiisin ina? 'Are you (sg) going to eat?' |
could, should, would | daa- pv Indaa-wiisin. 'I should eat.' |
cat | gaazhagens na; pl gaazhagensag |
great, very, big (preverb, prenoun form) | gichi-, chi-; pv and pn Gichi-wiisini ikwezens. 'The girl is really chowing down.' Gichi-zhigaag ayaa iwidi! 'There's a big skunk over there!' |
past tense | gii- pv; Ingii-wiisin. 'I ate'; Gii-wiisini inday. 'My dog ate.' |
you (sg.), your (sg.) | giin pr you (sg.) (second person singular personal pronoun); Giin ina gigii-wiisin? 'Did YOU(sg.) eat?' |
say (such), speak so | ikido vai 'Boozhoo,' gii-ikido gwiiwizens. 'The boy said 'Hi.'' Aaniin ekidong 'cat'? 'How does one say 'cat'?' |
bear | makwa na; pl makwag; dim makoons |
again, also, and | miinawaa pc; gaazhagens miinawaa animosh '(the) dog and (the) cat'; Miinawaa ingii-wiisin. 'I ate again.' |
question particle used with yes/no-type questions | na, ina pc; Giwii-wiisin ina? 'Do you want to eat?'; Bakade na animosh? 'Is the dog hungry?' |
I, me, my | niin pr (first person singular personal pronoun). Niin inday bakade. 'MY dog is hungry'; Ingii-wiisin niin. 'As for ME, I ate.' |
write (things) | ozhibii'ige vai; Inga-ozhibii'ige. 'I'm going to write (unspecified stuff).' |
emphatic particle | sa pc; Niin sa, Rand. 'It is I, Rand. (typical ending to a letter if your name happens to be Rand). |
want to, intend to (preverb form) | wii- pv; want to, intend to; Niwii-wiisin. 'I want to eat.' |
s/he, her/him, hers/his | wiin pr (third person singular personal pronoun); Wiin gii-wiisini. 'As for HER, she ate.' |
skunk | zhigaag na; pl zhigaagwag; dim zhigaagoons |
duck | zhiishiib na; pl zhiishiibag; dim zhiishiibens |