This exercise lets you randomly cycle through your vocabulary in a flashcard style. Click Next to begin and to advance to new words; continue clicking Next to practice vocabulary. When you feel you know a word, click Delete to remove it from the practice set.
the day before yesterday | pc. awasonaago. Gii-kimiwan awasonaago. 'It rained the day before yesterday.' |
the day after tomorrow | pc. awas-waabang. Awas-waabang inga-maajaa. 'I'll leave the day after tomorrow.' |
be cloudy | vii. ningwaanakwad. Gii-ningwaanakwad bijiinaago. 'It was cloudy yesterday.' |
rain arrives, rain comes. | vii. bagamibiisaa |
yesterday | pc. bijiinaago. Bijiinaago ingii-waabamaa makwa. 'I saw a bear yesterday.' |
be a cold wind, there is a cold wind | vii. dakaanimad. Wii-takaanimad waabang, 'There's going to be a cold wind tomorrow.' |
be cool weather, the weather is cold, cool | vii. dakaayaa. Dakaayaa noongom giizhigak. 'It's cold (weather) today.' |
be a cold rain, there is a cold rain | vii. dakibiisaa. Wii-takibiisaa noongom dibikak. 'There's going to be a cold rain tonight.' |
rain, precipitate, it's raining | vii. gimiwan. Gii-kimiwan bijiinaago. 'It rained yesterday.' |
be hot weather, the weather is hot | vii. gizhaate, gizhaatemagad. Gizhaate noongom giizhigak. 'The weather is hot today.' |
be such weather, how the weather is... | vii. izhiwebad. Aaniin ezhiwebak noongom? 'What's the weather like today?' |
be bad weather, be a bad day (esp. weatherwise) | vii. maji-giizhigad. Gii-maji-giizhigad bijiinaago. 'The weather was bad yesterday.' |
be big waves, there are big waves (on the water) | vii. mamaangaashkaa. Gii-mamaangaashkaa zaaga'iganiing bijiinaago. 'There were big waves on the lake yesterday.' |
be clear (weather), the weather is clear | vii. mizhakwad. Mizhakwad noongom giizhigak. 'The weather is clear today.' |
be windy, it's windy | vii. noodin. Gii-noodin dibikong. 'It was windy last night.' |
now, today, nowadays | pc. noongom. Wii-kimiwan noongom, 'It will rain today.' |
tomorrow | vii. waabang. Wii-kimiwan waabang. 'It's going to rain tomorrow.' |
snow, it's snowing | vii. zoogipon. Gii-soogipon dibikong. 'It snowed last night.' |