Lesson 3: Plural Subject VAI Verbs, Positive & Negative

This page links you to the individual components of your third lesson, and provides a bit of commentary on topics that we'll be studying.

Navigation. At the top of each page, below the title, is a navigation bar containing links to various pertinent pages. Remember that you can also use your browser's navigation buttons to move around as well. Some links, such as Grammar ToC (Table of Contents), above, open a new browser window. The link Home should always take you back to the index for this entire site -- if it doesn't please let me know.

Overview. This lesson continues our introduction to simple verbs, adding plural subject forms to the singular subject forms that we learned last week.


A table with the vocabulary set for week 3 can be found here.

The following links take you to flashcard pages that allow you to practice vocabulary. You should also be able to right-click on the link below in order to download the html page, which has embedded javascript, and have a working flashcard set independently of being connected to the internet. Also, be sure to practice writing words, too, in order to be good spellers.

English to Ojibwe flashcard practice
Ojibwe to English flashcard practice

Download mp3 of Lesson Vocabulary. Right-click (Mac users, control-click) on this link to download an mp3 of Lesson 3 vocabulary.

Spelling and Pronunciation (Repeated from Last Week)

Go here to find the notes on Anishinaabemowin spelling and pronunciation that you looked at last week. Read these notes carefully again, until you feel comfortable with the many concepts introduced.

Go here to find practice material in transcription, this time a few sentences from a story by Nancy Thompson on her learning to dig seneca root.

Grammar Drill Sheet

Grammar Drill Sheet PDF for Lesson 3 . Right-click (Mac, control-click) the link to the left to download a pdf drill to help you master the vai verb inflections that we have been learning this week.