Algonquian Language
Family |
Anishinaabemowin belongs to the Algonquian
language family, which consists of many prominent aboriginal languages of North
America, including Cree, Micmac, Delaware, Cheyenne, Blackfoot, and Arapaho.
The reconstructed (hypothesized) language from which all of the Algonquian languages
are said to have descended is called Proto-Algonquian.
In a paper published in 1913, Edward Sapir demonstrated as well that two languages
of California, Wiyot and Yurok, are distantly but undeniably related to the
Algonquian languages. These two languages and the Algonquian group are said
to have come from a language even more distant than Proto-Algonquian, called
Proto-Algic. The chart belows shows the Algonquian
and Algic families.

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